A few quick announcements!

First of all, if you celebrate Halloween, I hope you had a good time!

Anyway. Happy November! As the title states, I have a few quick announcements to brief you all on!

First: Small Dolls Big Hearts is now on Instagram! Some of you already know this, but if you’re unaware, now you know! If you’re interested in seeing more doll-related content, you can follow us at @small.dolls.big.hearts to see more doll photography!

I know I also mentioned in this post that I repaint dolls as a hobby, so I’ve also set up an Instagram for that. If you want to see some of my work, it can be found at @willowrepaints!

And, of course, Happy Nanowrimo! I’m so excited for this year. I have a stash of chocolate, kleenex, and writing prompts all ready to go.

My brother’s birthday is in just a few days! I’m so excited to give him the gift that my friend and I have put together.

Sorry, this post was quick. I probably won’t post a lot, if anything, in November due to Nano but I’m still hoping to be active on Instagram, and I can’t wait to share some parts of my story with you all!

Next time,


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